In view of the great significance of the internet in the activities of any university today, it is considered that it would be important to have a unit dedicated to the Development and Maintenance of the internet profile of the University.

Effective use of ICT by learners and teachers is a key driver for TUK’s Academic performance.

Opportunities to engage productively with ICT have a positive impact on attainment through empowering, motivating and engaging learners. New technological advances are revolutionizing the way in which we interact with lessons, how curricula are developed, and the way universities learn and do research. The interactive experience provided by the new technologies enhances student’s awareness of what they are learning, and supports the lecturer in monitoring, assessment and Research. Therefore, selecting, sourcing and implementing the correct technology are vital to successfully improvement of learning outcomes and experiences in the University.

The sub-unit is responsible for

  • Planning, Designing and Maintenance of the TUK’s websites to ensure the continual correctness, completeness, and timeliness of information on the site and its associated web applications.
  • Championing the effective use of Internet and Intranet communication tools to enhance communication between TUK and its external and internal stakeholders via the use of web-based technologies.
  • Ensuring the efficient utilization of the Learning Management Systems (LMS), Multimedia web resources like YouTube, Social Media etc , Video conferencing and streaming systems and Educations Technologies like projectors, smart boards.
  • Collaborating with academic staff in development and promotion of the use of multimedia resources as teaching and learning materials.
  • Recommending and deploying Assistive Technologies that overcome the barriers faced by the physically challenged learners and staff in Access and Utilization to ICTs.
  • Playing a major role in deployment of Digital Campus Initiatives like Access Control, Surveillance Systems and other Automation initiatives.