Cover of Traditional Agikuyu Music
 Author: Philip N. Wakaba*
 Year: 2013
 Note: *Department of Music & Performing Arts


Philip N. Wakaba is a graduate of Kenyatta University in the Republic of Kenya. He holds Master of Music and Doctor of Arts degrees from Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, USA. Dr. Wakaba is currently a faculty member in the Department of Music & Performing Arts at Technical University of Kenya, Nairobi

Africa is vast continent, with numerous ethnic groups. Its cultural diversity has often proved difficult to understand the various musical traditions found in the continent. Much of the music in the continent and the people who make it remain unknown to the outside world. Research findings on traditional music in Africa reveal that the provisions made in the traditional societies for traditional music is now weakening, and that traditional music is likely to disappear in a generation or two, or become greatly influenced by the music from cultures within and outside Africa. The urgent need to preserve and perpetuate traditional African music cannot, therefore, be overemphasized. Besides the music transcriptions, this teaching guide includes a detailed introductory section on the Agikuyu’s historical background, listening guides, translation guides, pronunciation guides, and performance guides, all meant to enhance understanding and guide music educators as well as interested parties in effectively performing and comprehending the music culture of the Agikuyu people. Also included, is an in-depth discussion and analysis of musical traits of selected Agikuyu songs and dances.

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